Friday, November 29, 2019
West African Music Assessment Essay Example For Students
West African Music Assessment Essay Music has always been an important part of life in West Africa. Music serves many functions in West African society. It communicates ideas, values, and feelings. It celebrates historic events and important occasions in peoples lives. For instance, there are songs for weddings, funerals, and ceremonies honoring ancestors. Among the Your tribe of present-day Nigeria, mothers of twins have their own special songs. In Ghana, there are songs for celebrating the loss of a childs first tooth. The musical traditions of West Africa continue to influence both African and world lute. West African Drumming: Drums play an important role in West African culture. Drummers perform at parties, religious meetings, and ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals. West African drums are made of hollowed-out logs or pieces of wood. These are covered with animal skins. For example; the December drum, the dumbfound set, the don, the Ewe drums ensemble, etc. Drummers in West Africa play in ensembles, or groups. The ensembles include different types and sizes of drums, along with bells and rattles. Drumming, singing, and dancing take place together in a circle. We will write a custom essay on West African Music Assessment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Traditionally December rhythms and their corresponding dances would have been associated with specific occasions, with each rhythm having a time and place. These days rhythms and dances may be performed at a wider range of events. There are hundreds of drums throughout West Africa but the December is one of few that are played with both bare hands. Sometimes, drum ensembles use a call-and-response style. West African slaves brought their drumming traditions to the Americas. Over time, West African drum music evolved into new styles, particularly in Cuba. West African drum music and Afro- Cuban drumming are now popular elements of world music. The players use polymaths and repetitive patterns in the drumming. The beats of the drum often help the dancers keep track of their timing. Grits: Early historical accounts of music and dance among Africans can be found in oral literature that take different forms such as folk tales, myths, epics, praise poems and historical accounts on rituals. Music and dance in Africa have served both utilitarian and aesthetic functions. The utilitarian function involves the use of music n everyday activities, including music at the childs naming ceremonies, child rearing practices, initiation rites, agricultural activities, national ceremonies, war times, religious ceremonies and those meant for the dead. In most ceremonies, even death ceremonies, music and dance go together. A grist is a verbal artist of the Manned people. Grits are poet-musicians who tell stories, sing songs of praise, and recite poems, often while playing a drum or stringed instrument. They perform music, dance, and drama. But grits are much more than skilled entertainers. They also educate their audiences with historical accounts and genealogies, or histories of peoples ancestry. In many ways, they are the record keepers and historians of their West African Music Assessment By cassia everybody there is the form or clapping, singing and dancing. By participating you honor the people being celebrated. Singing: A common style of music in West Africa is known as call and response. In call-and-response singing, a leader plays or sings a short phrase, known as a call. Then a group of people, the chorus, answer by playing or singing a short phrase, the response. The leader and chorus repeat this pattern over and over as they perform the song. Enslaved Africans brought call-and- response songs to the Americas. Slaves used the songs to ease the burden of hard work, celebrate social occasions, and express outrage at their situation. This African tradition has influenced many American musical styles, including gospel, Jazz, blues, rock and roll, and rap. Dance: In West Africa, dance is as much a part of life as singing and drumming are. Traditional West African dances are still performed in Africa and around the world. .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .postImageUrl , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:hover , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:visited , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:active { border:0!important; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:active , .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5 .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub4888254ca7fc2bd4d9bc72dea9196e5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music unit EssayWest Africans perform dances for all kinds of occasions. They dance during rituals and during ceremonies that mark important events in peoples lives. Dances can celebrate a success at work or help educate children. West Africans also perform dances to seek the help of spirits and to connect with dead ancestors. Dance movements often reflect the conditions people live in. Among forest-dwelling people, for example, dancers move as if they are finding their way through forest undergrowth. Some dancers wear elaborate masks that represent the spirits of traditional West African religion.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Kant Freedom Of Will
KANT & FREE WILL Cherian Koshy In Shakespeare’s famous play, Hamlet, Polonius utters the ironic phrase, â€Å"for brevity is the soul of wit.†The irony resides in Polonius’ inability to concisely describe Hamlet’s madness. While humorous in some settings, irony is disastrous when dealing with complex moral decisions. In the case of Immanuel Kant’s writings, several passages are littered with irony and contradictions, which he vehemently despises rhetorically. While Kant is often labeled as a difficult writer because of the language he selects and in part to the imperfect translation from German, Kant is strictly liable for his inability to rectify one particular inconsistency in his theory. This question of whether Kant believes there is free will, is wholly inconsequential to a more complete understanding of the Kantian ethic or moral philosophy in general. However, it is obvious that Kant presumes a free will and falls prey to tautologies and vague definitions to support a more general thesis. It is the intention of this essay to briefly establish that free will can not exist in the Kantian ethic in order to preserve the logical and structural integrity of the theory when dealing with purely moral decisions. While the general profundity of this claim may be minimal, the implications on Kant’s deontological approach and specifically upon the Categorical Imperative are evident. In establishing the absence of free will within the Kantian ethic, two approaches are necessary: the definitional prohibition of free will and the philosophical inconsistency of free will. Before delving into the thesis, however, one caveat is necessary. By freedom and hence free will, it is meant to say that an action is uncoerced and is based on one’s options. In essence, a free decision is one that an agent makes absent any interference from any other agent and is made when a possibility of a choice exists. The essay also assumes that K... Free Essays on Kant Freedom Of Will Free Essays on Kant Freedom Of Will KANT & FREE WILL Cherian Koshy In Shakespeare’s famous play, Hamlet, Polonius utters the ironic phrase, â€Å"for brevity is the soul of wit.†The irony resides in Polonius’ inability to concisely describe Hamlet’s madness. While humorous in some settings, irony is disastrous when dealing with complex moral decisions. In the case of Immanuel Kant’s writings, several passages are littered with irony and contradictions, which he vehemently despises rhetorically. While Kant is often labeled as a difficult writer because of the language he selects and in part to the imperfect translation from German, Kant is strictly liable for his inability to rectify one particular inconsistency in his theory. This question of whether Kant believes there is free will, is wholly inconsequential to a more complete understanding of the Kantian ethic or moral philosophy in general. However, it is obvious that Kant presumes a free will and falls prey to tautologies and vague definitions to support a more general thesis. It is the intention of this essay to briefly establish that free will can not exist in the Kantian ethic in order to preserve the logical and structural integrity of the theory when dealing with purely moral decisions. While the general profundity of this claim may be minimal, the implications on Kant’s deontological approach and specifically upon the Categorical Imperative are evident. In establishing the absence of free will within the Kantian ethic, two approaches are necessary: the definitional prohibition of free will and the philosophical inconsistency of free will. Before delving into the thesis, however, one caveat is necessary. By freedom and hence free will, it is meant to say that an action is uncoerced and is based on one’s options. In essence, a free decision is one that an agent makes absent any interference from any other agent and is made when a possibility of a choice exists. The essay also assumes that K...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Qatari and Bahraini conflicts over Hawar Islands in ICJ (international Term Paper
Qatari and Bahraini conflicts over Hawar Islands in ICJ (international court of justice) - Term Paper Example Despite their proximity to Qatar, the islands belong to Bahrain. As a matter of fact, these islands were the subject of a dispute between Bahrain and Qatar. Official claims on Hawar Islands by both countries started in 1935. This occurred after oil had been found in Bahrain ten years earlier. An armed conflict then ensued in August 1937. In year 1939, the British Resident in Manama decreed that the island of Hawar belonged to Bahrain. Qatar, however, continued claims on the islands in the year 1960. The Emir of Qatar criticized the 1939 agreement and tried to purchase the islands. Eventually, the Qatari cost guards prohibited the fishers from Bahrain to enter the waters surrounding Hawar Islands. Bahrain, on its part, answered with naval maneuvers and was accused by Qatar of violating its territorial waters. On twenty sixth day of April 1986, the troops from Qatari captured 29 Bahraini workers, who were nevertheless later released. Due to these incidents, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Co operation Council attempted to mediate between the two parties. As a result, Bahrain claimed the Zubara area, which had previously belonged to the Khalifa family, ruler of Bahrain, and Qatar claimed the Hawar islands. However, Bahrain took a tighter grip when its oil stocks started to dwindle. On 17 April 1992, Qatar declared new territorial water borders extending over 12 miles, and claimed a 22-mile area in which it could exert sovereignty. Bahrain immediately litigated these borders and applied the case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, The World Court) in The Hague. There were complex legal issues involved in this dispute. It includes the legitimacy of the 1939 colonial-era decision. It also took cognizance of standards regarding territorial integrity vs. real power of territory. In this dispute, Qatar based its claim to the islands on its main concern of title and on the principle of proximity and territorial unity. They claim that the islands all lie within 12 nautic al mile of the Qatari coast, and most lie within a three nautical mile limit. Thus, they deduce that islands are an integral part of the coast of Qatar. On the other hand, Bahrain based its claim on a 1939 British decision granting them to Bahrain. It claimed that it had exercised sovereignty over the Hawar islands for over two centuries. They alleged that Qatar never exercised any competing authority. In addition to citing proofs and facts of Bahraini relations with the islands through the years, it more importantly relied on the decision given by the British of 11th of July, 1939 giving the islands to Bahrain. To give light on the said decision, it came about after Qatar charged Bahrain of illegally occupying the islands in 1937. Both the two sides requested to the British to settle the issue and the latter ruled in favor of Bahrain. Bahrain insisted that such amounted to an arbitration award. Thus, Bahrain maintained that since 1939, it had indeed maintained continuous occupation and exercised sovereignty on the islands. On the contrary, Qatar rejected the 1939 decision because it was done by the colonial power without Qatari acquiescence. Qatar has set out in clear and concise terms the basis of its claim of sovereignty over the Hawar islands. Qatar relies upon the fact that the majority of the islands and islets constituting the Hawar islands lie wholly or partially within a three-mile territorial sea limit from Qatar’s mainland, which was a limit recognized by Qatar and Great
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Al Qaeda in Yemen Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Al Qaeda in Yemen - Assignment Example This paper looks into the multiple dimensions of the problem ranging from its threat to the stakeholders, the history, current scenario and other dynamics of the problem at hand (Rollins 2010,p. 10). The overall threat comes in a multiple manner. The first is that to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia shares its borders with Yemen. The potential control of Al- Qaeda in Yemen would lead to its expansion and reach out towards the borders of Saudi- Arabia. Saudi Arabia itself feels highly threatened and vulnerable by the ambitions of Al- Qaeda. It is a threat to the regional peace and poses serious threats to the gulf that exists between the Shiite and Sunni population which is being exploited by external sources. Another threat that is faced by the Yemen itself. Since Yemen’s elected government has been ousted in form of control over the office of President Mansur Hadi. Al- Qaeda being a globally banned outfit and radical in its outlook, the people of Yemen are at a direct threat in this regard since they are not only hostile to the locals but the outside world. Secondly, Al Qaeda’s actions have often been seen with high concern and fear by the Shiite population of Middle East. Given the fact that their slogan is religious in nature and they claim to be the protective guardians of the Sunni community, the over forty five plus percent Shiite population of feels directly exposed to this threat. The concerns of United States of America come about in the form of the spread of Al- Qaeda and its agendas and ideals. Since United States of America has initiated a global war on terror and aims at reaching out to any part of the world where Al- Qaeda may be operational, it therefore is a new front for United States of America to engaged in Yemen. United States of America is already engaged in mitigating the challenge thrown by Al- Qaeda in Iraq. This would lead to a new front (Davis 2008,p.144). While the traces of Jihadi elements
Monday, November 18, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Hence, it can be stated that OB accounts various interconnected dimensions of organizational performances such as motivation, diversity, team effectiveness, conflict and negotiation, decision-making, power and influence, organizational communication and culture (New Age International, n.d.). Emphasizing on the aforementioned major characteristics of OB, the discussion henceforth will intend to elaborate on my experiences with due regard to three specific dimensions of the conceptual framework, i.e. team effectiveness, organizational communication and motivation. Discussion Team Effectiveness Team effectiveness signifies that individuals who were involved in a single group and were functioning as a team have performed in an efficient manner towards the accomplishment of the common objectives. In today’s phenomenon, employees of an organization are essentially required to perform their assigned activities in a group or team for accomplishing the objectives of an organization eff iciently with a common motive or purpose majorly owing to the increasing complexities arising within the managerial sphere. The management of an organization is required to act as a leader for effective coordination of the activities of employees developing a clear view towards the goals (Duygulu & Ciraklar, 2008). The varied uniqueness of team effectiveness is to have a common goal or objective for the team with an open scope for communication among the participants. The decisions are to be taken in a cooperative manner within an environment of faith, as well as belief owing to which, a coordinated and interdependent team work becomes quite necessary. Hence, it can be stated that team work is an essential element for improving the performances of employees as well as building healthy relationship within an organization, as these features are mostly likely to augment organizational strengths to adopt changes more flexibly and therefore, successfully accomplishing the determined goal s or objectives (Duygulu & Ciraklar, 2008). Certainly, focusing on the criticality of the dimension, i.e. team effectiveness, various models or theoretical frameworks had been designed among which the GRPI Model has been one of the most versatile and realistic method to measures and control team performances within an organization. GRPI Model was introduced by Rubin, Plovnick and Fry (1977) which signifies Goals, Roles, Processes as well as Interpersonal Relationship. In accordance with the assumptions considered in the model, the members of the team should be aware of the goals or objectives which are to be accomplished. The members of the team should also be delegated with their roles as well as responsibilities unambiguously to perform the assigned activities. Processes related to decision making as well as resolving conflicts for steady flow of work and performance by the members also needs to be considered with due significance when measuring team performances as these activiti es shall fruitfully enhance interpersonal relationship among members and leaders (The Korn/Ferry Institute, 2009). Organizational Communication Organizational communication is a process through which information are exchanged among the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Using professional standards and codes of conduct
Using professional standards and codes of conduct Professional standards and codes of conduct are fundamental in setting base standards for health care professionals and are a major channelling force for those working in clinical teams. Codes of conduct are established to ensure that practitioners are working in a safe and effective manner and that patients are protected. (Health Professions Council, 2007) The professional standards provided by organisations such as the Health Professions Council (HPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) supply a framework from which physiotherapists and other health care professionals can work within and give an awareness of the minimum of what is expected of them. Knowing and understanding their own codes of conduct will in turn facilitate performance within health care teams. Thrower (2002) comments on self awareness being the condition of being able to analyse motives for behaviour. Therefore, if a health care professional is conscious of their own actions and the resulting consequences, they can constantly reflect to improve their practice. This could be accomplished through such models as developed by Gibbs (1988). For health care students, codes of conduct are indispensible source of information that can be applied in unfamiliar situations as they will know what behaviour is expected of them. Codes of conduct are equally important for the more experienced professionals who may be habituated be outdated standards, which may not be adequate in the evolving area of healthcare and may prefer more traditional approaches to teamwork. There are now more moves in health care teams to be inter rather than multi discipline teams. Multi-discipline teams tend to be uni-disciplinary and work in professional isolation from each other. (Webster, 2002) Whereas inter-discipline teams take a more collaborative approach. In current practice, there is a heightened emphasis on collaboration between different types of practitioners, in order to escape restrictions imposed by traditional team structures. Collaboration can be defined as an interactive process requiring that the involved individuals combine their expertise, skills and resources to solve a problem or to achieve a goal. (Stichler, 1995) For example, joint assessments of patients by nurses and physiotherapists are becoming increasingly common. They include the advantages that the patient doesnt have to repeat information multiple times and the health care professionals will acquire a more comprehensive view of the patient as a whole. Through this fusion of knowledge a nd ideas a broader spectrum of information can be pooled to design a comprehensive care plan for the client. (Kalafatich, 1986) Thus a more comprehensive treatment plan, encompassing all aspects of the patients requirements, can be developed, ensuring improved care for the patient. Professional standards are essential in determining the scope and limitations of practice. Gibbons (2003) states that no single profession working in isolation can meet the care needs of a patient. Therefore, professionals need to recognise when their knowledge or scope of practice is limited and another profession would be more adept to treating a patient. However, the American Nurses Association (1994) reminds clinicians that they are only transferring the responsibility for the performance of the activity, not the professional accountability for overall care. As health care professionals are autonomous and self regulating, it is essential that codes of conduct are established to protect the patients own autonomy. Autonomy can be defined as self government or freedom of action. (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2008) The HPC Standards of Proficiency for Physiotherapists (2007) states that clinicians must be able to practice as an autonomous professional exercising their own profe ssional judgement. Conversely, this must be counterbalanced with gaining informed consent and respecting the wishes of the patient. In some cases, such as patients who lack mental capacity or are in a coma, this could prove difficult. Nevertheless, using the guidance from the codes of conduct, their own expertise and clinical reasoning and support from the health care team, the health care professional could attempt to inform and obtain consent from the patient and liaise with their carers, to provide the most appropriate treatment for the patient. Subsequently, codes of conduct play a vital role in justifying treatments and issues of accountability in the legal sphere. If professionals are abiding by the codes of conduct then their actions can be defendable. However, there are limits as to how much codes of conduct can guide behaviour within health care teams. Merely abiding by the standards does not necessarily result in an effective team. There are barriers which need to be considered which have the potential to hinder progress: levels of communication; clashes in personalities; tribalism; effects of outside pressures; lack of stability and lack of recognition of the skills of others. For example, a team member may find themselves in a situation which forces them to bridge the gap between a patients right to confidentiality and their own duty to report to their team. In this sense, it seems that the codes of conduct could be conflicting. Therefore, clinical reasoning must also be utilised to decide what is best for the patient. If health professionals truly aim to work in a patient centred environment then boundaries between disciplines need to be dissolved and mutually respected. Subsequently, focus can be placed fully upon the patient rather than tribalism and the over-protection of roles (Donnelly, 1999.) Perhaps more importance needs placing on shared learning experiences at an undergraduate level for physiotherapy, nursing and medical students, particularly to become more acquainted with each others professional standards. This could help to facilitate the teams of the future, as newly qualified professionals would already be accustomed to working with other healthcare disciplines. Consequently, they may be more likely and more informed to challenge traditional rigid structures of healthcare teams. In order to fully integrate teams and to allow them to function efficiently, different codes of conduct could be combined to produce generic shared values which all disciplines could work from in a particula r team. A philosophy as a working document will facilitate teamwork as all members of the team will share common values and beliefs that have been made explicit and open. (Jasper, 2002) In conclusion, for professional standards and codes of conduct to be relevant in current practice they must be understood and valued by all. For them to be applicable in future practice, it is essential that health professionals reflect in and on action. (Schà ¶n, 1983) Through this, they will not only improve their own practice, but also their contribution and the overall functioning of the team, which will in turn, have a beneficial impact upon the patient: the definitive goal.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Lord of the Flies - Who I think would make the best leader on the island: :: English Literature
Lord of the Flies - Who I think would make the best leader on the island: Ralph, Piggy or Jack? The Novel that this piece of writing is based upon is named "Lord of the Flies". The author of the book is William Golding who wrote many other books including Close quarters and Fire down below. This essay is on my opinion of who would be the best leader on the island out of Ralph, Piggy and Jack. I will base my opinions on my assumption of what makes a good leader and my general feelings of their actions, reactions and appearance. These three predicaments make large differences in how other people feel towards you. If you have become irritable easily people may ignore you or if you can not make good decisions of your own they may feel more powerful than you. So these are my reasons of how I will judge the characters. Another aspect I will have to consider is the first impressions made on the characters and how Golding provoked these. What makes a good leader is someone who does not take sides in bad situations, someone who is organised, they can be independent, confident, good ideas, a quick thinker, non-judgmental, works well under pressure, reliable, takes charge and can see good and bad in people. All these points are good because people following the leaders do not want to be under pressure because the leader can not take certain circumstances, followers also do not a leader who is not confident because then they have to be more positive. Also if the leader does not give their followers praise then they will become doubtful about their leader. Piggy is described by Golding as: "The naked crooks of his knees were plump" and "he was shorter than the fair boy (Ralph) and very fat" Piggy wears glasses and this seems to make people disrespect him. For example on page 75 where Jack knocks Piggy's glasses of his face and breaks one side. Jack doesn't apologise to Piggy very quickly and when he does it is in a childish manner whereas before when he and Ralph had had an argument Jack's response was more of an adult nature. Ralph and Jack's argument is on pages 51-52. The argument is about Jack's hunting because he has not helped with the making of the shelters so Ralph is mad. An example of the Adult nature is straight after the argument when Ralph says: " 'You've noticed haven't you?' Jack put down his spear and squatted 'Noticed what?' 'Well. They're frightened.'" This behaviour is very well showed because they forget about the
Monday, November 11, 2019
Britannica online Essay
This is a book proposal that has been created to ensure the children of today are still exposed to the same childhood experiences that we all had years ago. In today’s society we are much more fast paced and immediately are drawn to electronics such as computers, television, movies, ipods, etc†¦ The numbing effect of this constant barrage of information on very young children could lead to a sort of deterioration of values in a small child. Proposed title: Back to the Basics: A Collection of Nursery Rhymes for Today’s Child Introduction: Many of us picked up our own sets of values and morals from what had been passed down to us through tradition. A Nursery Rhyme is a poem or a song, traditionally taught to very young children. Nursery Rhymes in the English language are usually British in origin, dating back to as far as the 16th Century. Aside from the ones imported from England, many Nursery Rhymes also developed in North America (Encyclopedia Britannica online, 2008). These little songs and poems form a sort of symbolic â€Å"backbone†to the continuing cultural and psychological development of the American people and culture. Indeed, at its very core, a Nursery Rhyme is a sort of cultural footprint. While most oral tradition (ex: nursery rhymes) may sound more like nonsense or oversimplified, moralistic tales set to a rhythm and a tune, they carry the symbolic weight of generations past (Bettelheim, 1976). Passed on through tradition and brought alive by the imaginations of the very children who hear them and pass them on, these rhymes bear the values of the culture that created it. For example, Humpty Dumpty’s story reminds us that there are some things that, once broken, can never be mended. In another example, the Itsy Bitsy Spider speaks to us of the value of perseverance. Sometimes, a Nursery Rhyme isn’t just a moral legacy, but a historical one as well: showing us how people lived or worked during the particular time when these rhymes were created. For example, while shepherding may no longer be a common profession, especially in heavily populated urban areas, even children from the inner city are aware that it was once a way of life, thanks to Little Bo Peep and her sheep. Rationale: Nursery Rhymes have been in existence for hundreds of years, but what exactly is the importance in continuing in this tradition? Children are automatically drawn into these stories because of the rhyme, there is rhythm, and they are often about creatures in otherwise unimaginable circumstances, which leads the child’s own imagination to wander. In addition to being an effective vehicle through which a culture propagates and preserves itself, Nursery Rhymes are of particular importance in the development of a young child’s growing language and memory skills. There is a reason that today, even after growing up; we can still remember these little phrases. They have made great impact in our childhood learning schemata and we believe that if they continue to be reintroduced to the children of today, their impact would be highly beneficial. We believe that this book will be a great hit among small children and their parents, and that with the aid of colorful illustrations, this book can be very useful in promoting a child’s mental, psychological, and social development. Methodology: After much deliberation, we decided to limit our selection to the most common and well-loved Nursery Rhymes. We looked through several collections of nursery rhymes, both online and offline, and picked out the ones that occurred the most frequently. Given that we plan to make this book a children’s book, we limited our selection to only four Nursery Rhymes. We chose to do this so that the book could accommodate the illustrations that we hope will be included as visual aids for the children, without being too heavy or cumbersome for even a small child to read and carry. These Nursery Rhymes are as follows: Humpty Dumpty: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, Couldn’t Put Humpty together again. Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown. And Jill came tumbling after The Itsy Bitsy Spider The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the spider out. Out came the sun And dried up all the rain, And the itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again. Little Bo Peep Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And can’t tell where to find them. Leave them alone, And they’ll come home, Wagging their tails behind them. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and consider this. We look forward to your timely and positive reply! References Bettelheim, Bruno (1976). Uses of Enchantment: the Importance of Fairy Tales. New York: Knopf Encyclopedia Britannica online, concise version. Nursery Rhymes. retrieved February 3 2008. from http://www. britannica. com/ebc/article-9373775
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ethics In Criminal Justice - Forgiveness Essays - Virtue, Emotions
Ethics In Criminal Justice - Forgiveness Essays - Virtue, Emotions Ethics In Criminal Justice - Forgiveness Ethics in Criminal Justice Forgiveness The issue to be discussed concerns the act of forgiving. Forgiveness can be shown in many different ways. The degree of forgiveness depends on ones personal beliefs. There are many ethical systems that one can apply forgiveness to. But I will apply forgiveness to my own ethical system. I live my life as a Christian and I try to live by its principles. I also believe that my God is a forgiving God and that I should be in his likeness. In this particular situation, I would have to forgive Carl for what he had done. Christianity teaches that one should be forgiven, no matter what the circumstances are. Christians believe that God sees our faults and he forgives our faults daily. So we in turn have to forgive our brother, because God is so forgiving to us. Simon could have been bitter because of what had happen to his people. But in my ethical system, he is not allowed to hold on to those feelings. First, I would tell Carl, that I would forgive him. Carl would be a bit shocked because he wouldnt expect me to be so forgiving. Then, I would go into explaining that my ethical beliefs would not allow me to hold any ill feelings toward him. I would tell Carl that my ethical beliefs are based upon forgiveness. I would advise Carl that he should pray and ask God for forgiveness. Forgiveness, according to my ethical system is not based on what the action is or what the punishment will be. But rather it focuses how one needs to go beyond anothers faults and forgive them anyhow. Compared to ethical formalism, it is very different because motive or intent is not a determining factor in my ethical system. Christianity teaches that one should be forgiven in spite of. My ethical system can be compare to utilitarianism because it is based on a decision that will benefit of the whole. When a man admits that he has done wrong and he is sincerely sorry, then he should be forgiven. By Simon forgiving Carl he saved another person from dying a silent death.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pter Kurten essays
Pter Kurten essays Peter Kurten was born the 26th of May 1883, in Cologne-Mulheim Germany. The eldest of 13 children, he was born into extreme poverty. Having to live in a small one-room apartment, he was witness to the violent outbursts of a drunken father. On his fathers side of the family there was a history of alcoholism and mental problems. Not only was Kurten subjected to the drunken violent assaults by his father, but was also witness to the forced rape of his mother on a continual basis. His father would later be arrested for attempting to molest his own 13-year-old daughter. Kurten would later state this was the beginning of his sexual teachings, which unfortunately would also involve violence. Having his father in prison, his mother, of respectable stock separated from her husband and shortly remarried. However, while the violent episodes that influenced Kurten should have ended, another individual surfaced to continue his perverse teachings. While the father was imprisoned the family took in a boarder, a dogcatcher, who would befriend the young Kurten. The dogcatcher, a severely demented individual, formed a tight bond with the 9-year-old and taught the boy to masturbate dogs and to torture them. Enjoying this immensely, Kurten turned to bestiality, which involved goats and sheep. He soon learned he enjoyed this much more when he would stab them repeatedly during intercourse. By the age 16 Kurten was involved in committing petty thefts and subsequently ran away from home. It was here that he would receive the first of 27 prison sentences, which would consume some 24 years of his life. After release from his first sentence he moved in with a prostitute who was twice his age. It is here that his teachings reached full circle and he moved sexually from animals to people. In 1913, Christine Klein, an 8-year-old girl, was to be the first known victim of Kurten. Frequenting a local inn, one nig...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Paper Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action Essay
Paper Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action - Essay Example e physical accessibility to people with disabilities in buildings and also ensures the removal of obstacles that deny individuals with disabilities equal employment opportunities. The main parts of the act are divided into five sections, with the first section insuring against discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities with regards to employment (Accessiblesociety, 2012). The second title prohibits discrimination against the disabled at all public levels, including the state, municipal and school district level. The third part is targeted at public accommodation, where individuals may not be discriminated from enjoying facilities at any public place of accommodation due to their disability. In the fourth part, ADA ensures that people with disabilities enjoy equivalent services with non-disabled people, while the last title includes miscellaneous provisions. Ever since the introduction of the act in 1990, there has been a lot of success in reducing discrimination against the disabled. One of the first advantages of the act is that the accessibility of people with disabilities has significantly improved (Accessiblesociety, 2012). For example, people with disabilities can mount legal objections to practices which they feel are discriminatory. This has helped in increasing job opportunities for people with disabilities. The act has also help medically incompetent but qualified individuals who used to be discriminated based on their medical conditions. According to ADA, an employee is not mandated to ask for medical certificates before hiring. Despite the successes that ADA has had in the past decade or so, the main disadvantage of the act is the apparent contradiction with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) ( Skoning and Condon, 1994). According to ADA, an employee cannot move an employee from a workplace that is deemed dangerous, since this would seem discriminatory. However, OSHA dictates that dangerous workplaces are illegal.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Global Operations managenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global Operations managenment - Essay Example In order to address this issue, PPQ Parts should uphold a decent relationship with every stakeholder of the country and do not engage into any activity which cause impairment to the reputation and goodwill of PPQ Parts. 1. The foremost economic issue for PPQ Parts would of exchange rate fluctuations. These adverse movements in foreign exchange rate can harm the company’s profits. So in order to mitigate this risk, PPQ Parts should implement a reasonable hedging strategy to combat this foreign exchange currency risk. 2. Another economic issue that the company might have to face is the level of inflation in the foreign country. Due to inflation, the cost of goods sold of PPQ Parts may increase resulting in lower profits. So in order to avoid this situation, PPQ Parts should estimate the reasonable demand of the PPQ Parts’ products and contract with the suppliers to fix the rates of materials for future
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