Thursday, February 13, 2020
Debating Immigration into Western Countries Essay
Debating Immigration into Western Countries - Essay Example Processing of unauthorized documents, getting inside US boundaries through under-the table payments, and working and staying for long even by just holding a visiting visa are just of the most common methods that illegal immigrants do. This paper did an in-depth literature search concerning the legal and illegal immigration in the US during the years 2000-2006. This then tackles the relationship of economy, societal and environmental stability, and populace versus the legal and illegal immigrants. It is hypothesized that legal migrants contribute positively to the development of the US economy and even to its culture. Meanwhile, the illegal immigrants are hypothesized to be a great part of the US labor force. They also serve as a large part of the consumer or buying populace. In the same manner, illegal immigrants - despite their illegal status - are also one of the great 'users' and/or 'beneficiaries' of the natural and financial resources of the country. That is why it is of not doubt that illegal immigrants in the US affect, both positively and negatively, the US as a whole. United States of America is one of the very few countries in the world where different values and tradition of the many people in the world submerged. Also, US are becoming a favorite migration country of many people around the world and the main reason is the opportunity that awaits in this country. Many would say that living in the US is a dream most especially if it is in third world country's point of view where most terrorism and poverty are the main problems. That is also why the country is commonly compared to as a salad bowl and a melting pot. Multiculutarlism and cultural Assimilation Multiculturalism or commonly known as a "salad bowl", is much of a new metaphor given to the US and not the "melting pot" or also being termed as cultural assimilation. The melting pot means that if one becomes American citizen, he/she should abide what the proper values and tradition that the American should do or he/she will suffer the consequences. While the "salad bowl" is where American now celebrating the diversity of its traditions where it respects the roots of each individual in order to built a harmonious country. (From Melting Pot to Salad Bowl, 2005). Multiculturalism is when a person who became citizen of another country who obeys and works successfully with his new host country but never disregarded his old beliefs and tradition from his mother country of origin. The following are some of the good examples that will describe up to what extent America is compared to as a salad bowl. One very good example are the Chinese, when one sees them talking to their own natives they still talk most of the time in Chinese but if one will see them in school or business meetings they will speak in English.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Effecyive team and preformance management Essay
Effecyive team and preformance management - Essay Example Challenges that can be faced by the recommendations 13 8. Conclusion 14 1. Summary The report highlights, analyzes and evaluates the team performance of the Electron Company, a small manufacturing company in North of England. The report identifies the critical factors that impact the team performance. The first section elaborates Bruce Tuckman’s Team Development Model and critically analyses how team dynamics and team formation has occurred in the case study. The second section of the report evaluates the effect of social loafing and cohesion on the success of an efficient team. The fourth section elaborates the recommendations for changes that are needed in the team focusing on the leadership and management styles. The last section points out the challenges that are faced by the recommendations made for the changes. Lastly a conclusion is given to sum up all that is learnt from the report and recommended in the report. 2. Introduction The report aims at analysing the Electron Company team case study with the help of Bruce Tuckman’s Team Development Model. It evaluates the performance of the team with reference to this model. Recommendations are also given to bring in changes in the working condition of the company. Electron Company, established in 1997, is a small manufacturing company which is located in North of England. It manufactures components for the telecommunications sector. The UK headquarters have 150 employees with 50 employees in the manufacturing department. The company follows a traditional business structure consist of sale/ marketing, engineering, human resource and manufacturing. It has both full-time staffs and part-time staffs. The electronic department has eight teams and each of which is named according to a colour. The team colours are white, red, blue green, silver, aqua, purple and yellow. The teams consist of 10 team members, some are on hired on temporary contracts and others are the full-time employees. Each teamâ€⠄¢s objective is to attain improved productivity within 2 months after the formation their team. The performances of the team are judged on the basis of how many electrical components they have made within this two months period. The team members are rewarded for achieving their improvements in the productivity. All the members of the successful team are paid bonus. The performance of the team is analyzed based on the Tuckman’s model of team development. 3. Bruce Tuckman’s Model analysing the formation of the team Bruce Tuckman identified five stages of development that every team practices and he also recommended that all teams confront a fairly unproductive primary stage before becoming an independent unit. The five stages are as follows: 3.1. Forming In the first phase the team formation takes place. The individual's behaviour is determined by a desire to be acknowledged by the others and also avoid controversy or conflict with others. Serious problems and feelings are seriously avoided and the people focus on being busy with their routine work. Individuals also collect information about each other and also about the scope of the task and how to advance with it. The team members gather and learn about the challenges and opportunities that they face and then they agree on the process which they will follow to eradicate the challenges and grab new opportunities. They are motivated for not to be ignorant of the problems and objectives of the team. Team members do their best for the well being of
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